Friday, April 16, 2010

Running behind...again

This week I haven't been good at recording my workouts but at least I have been good about going to my workouts. :)

Ran at lunch with a girl who is a new runner. SLOW pace but nice to be outside in the sunshine. It also got the legs moving.

Deadlift - 125lbs (prescribed weight was 135 so I am almost there)
Toes to Bar (really?!?!? I did knees to waist in my attempts at knees to elbows - haha)
Reps of 21,15,12,9,6,3

Time: 12:40 (I think)

Another run at lunch in the beautiful sunshine and heat. Slow pace but not as slow as Monday. Made the afternoon that much better.

10 KB Swings 24 kg / 16 kg
10 Chest to Bar Jumping Pull ups
8 Wall Ball 20 lbs / 12 lbs

Complete as many rounds as possible in 3 minutes

REST 2 Minutes

4 Rounds

COMPLTED REPS: 2, 2, 2, 2 ( 3 of those 2 had 9 KBs on the end - just couldn't finish it for the 1/3 to be added on).

I did the prescribed weight on it too!! Woo hoo!

Workout was tougher than it looks


I was excited when I looked at the website on Thursday. Hold a handstand for 1 minute ...woo hoo!! Former gymnastic days were going to pay off. I went into the gym at work and tried one against the wall (that is what you would do for the workout). I could NOT do it. I can honestly say I never feel old - age doesn't bother me - but not only did I feel FAT and out of shape but I really felt OLD. What do you mean I could not do a handstand...against a wall....Holy Crap. My good mood disappeared right away.

So off to CF I went and the fundamentals class was changed.

I was tired after our warm up:

300m Run
15 Thrusters
15 Sit-ups

300m Run
15 Push-ups

300m run
10 - Samson Stretch
10 - Back Extensions

I had time so I found a wall and DID my handstand. It felt comfortable and I was able to hold it no problem. Only problem now was it put the little bug of gymnastics in my head. I managed a kart wheel (on a line) without falling over or pulling anything) and mucked around with more handstands. I'm going to practise more at home and get better. :)


TABATA (20 seconds on - 10 seconds rest)

Thursters (65lbs)
Box Jumps (16" day I will move up to 20")
SDLHP (65lbs)

2 rounds than 1 minute rest

Repeat 4 times.

Okay - so that is the week so far and I have to get my butt out for a tempo run this week and a 10K run this weekend - and I have to push myself on that. My race is next week and I am hoping to go sub 1 hour for my 10K. THAT is MY GOAL.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Great Weekend Workkouts

Since I was WAY to sore on Friday to do anything I took the day off. DT took it's toll on me. The Heavy weights knocked the stuffing out of me. It's Sunday night and I can still feel my abs from a combination of Wednesday nights workout and the overhead heavy on Thursday.

Saturday Marlene and I decided to do our 10K run. No need to go higher now right? Next 2 races are 10K. Woo Hoo.

My goal would be to record a Sub 1 hour 10K. Everyone else thinks I can do it - my body has always told me differently.

So we decided we were going to do the 10K easy but no walk breaks until 5K. A change from the 10 and 1s we always do for long distances. Going easy apparently means holding a sub 6 minute/km pace. haha. It felt good. Hard but good. It was a beautiful day but the temperatures were deceiving and at 5K I had to do some "re-dressing" so I wouldn't melt on the way back. We finished the first 5K in 29:38. YEAH! I was wondering how I was going to make it back as the wind was in our face now. It was brutal (probably the reason we were sub 30 going out - we sure didn't feel the wind at our back - but it was....). Okay - let's go easy back and do 10 and 1s. Okay -we agreed. We check our pace - yup - sub 6 or just over 6 min/km. The walks added some time to our pace but we finished at 1:00:38. Pretty cool - ohhhh so close - now I have to do that on race day.

We enjoyed a beer and cooler after. Yeah - we deserve it and isn't that what summer running is about????

Sunday morning I decided to do the 9am CrossFit class. Boy was I stupid. Once again - it was hard - like stupid hard - my forearms will never be the same and I was sucking wind.


100m lunge walk


15 Dumbell Push Press - 25lbs each hand
100m Farmer walk - 25lbs each hand

Repeat 5 times


25 Burpee Box Jumps
10 Manmakers ( I changed from 25lbs to 20lbs - couldn't do it - :( )
400 M Run.

Time: 23:48

Who would have thaought the Farmer Walk - 100m - would be so hard. Your forearms are done - done - done.

Actually - by then end of the workout - I was done - done - done. haha.

Okay - so - tomorrow I have to get my butt into the box and go Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday this week. Saturday would be a bonus - but I want to start pushing myself. The results are soooo coming through in my running and I want to keep it up.

For now - I'm going to go enjoy a cooler - catch the end of the Masters and then enjoy some dinner. BBQ.....YUM.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


"DT" is another CrossFit benchmark workout named after USAF SSgt Timothy P. Davis , 28, who was killed on Febuary 20 2009, supporting operations in OEF when his vehicle was struck by an IED. Timothy is survived by his wife Megan and his one year old son T.J.



12 Deadlifts 155 lbs/110 lbs

9 Hanging Power Cleans 155 lbs/110 lbs

6 Push Jerks 155 lbs/110 lbs

5 Rounds

Okay -the prescribed weight for women is 110lbs. I can deadlift that and last ight I proved I could push that (but only once for my max) but there is no way I am going to be able to power clean 110lbs.

I managed to do one 80lbs power clean tonight and thought I'd do DT at 75lbs but the first one I attempted I got mentally stuck on it and had to drop to 70lbs. Still - not bad considering I rremember not too long ago I had trouble power cleaning 45lbs....

All I could think of when I read about todays WOD was - you have to give it your all in this workout because he did.

I have to check my time but I think it was 11:43...or it could have been 9:43 or 15:43. I will have to come back and correct it once I know.

I need to get out and so a run...just not today.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Catching up....

Okay - it has been way to long since I last checked int. I have gotten off course and have not been as consistent as I should have been. The last coupl of weeks before the Bay and the Bay race knocked the stuffing out of me and I guess I needed some downtime.

On March 28th I ran the 30K Around the Bay Road Race in Hamilton. ATB's claim to fame is "older than Boston". It is the oldest road race in North America and is so full of tradition.

My goal was to go sub 3:30 and feel strong thoughout the race and not cave on the hills. This is a tough run that some people will say it is tougher than a marathon. The first part is flat and there is one over-pass around 10K and then flat again until about 19.5K and then the rollers start. Some long tough hills with gradual grades are in there and then you get a small flat section before "the hill". Valley Inn Road Hill is steep and tough and it shows up at the 26.5K mark of the race. On the way down into the valley tradition holds that you hi-five the midget (sorry - not politically correct). He is there with We Are The Champions pumping out of huge speakers and gives everyone a lift before you hit the hill.

Once you make it up that hill you have about 3.5K to get down along York street and there is a Grim Reaper waiting to catch the runners that are failing. There are tombstones along the road leading up to him and it appears the tradition will continue for years to come as there is a "shorter" version there too which appears to be the reapers son who I am sure will be taking over one year. Future runners will get to enjoy the continued tradition. AWESOME.

I had a great race. I ran with Heather and our plan was to average less tahn 7min/km which would give me the 3:30 finish. Our splits were almost identical. For the 10K, 15K, 20K, 30K splits they were 6:45, 6:46, 6:47, 6:46. Identical pacing through the whole race. how cool is that.

My chip time was 3:23:59. I surpassed the 3:30 goal and I got a PB by 8 minutes. :) I felt strong through the whole race and ran all the hills (not all of Valley Inn Road) and I was able to run strong down York Street - something in the 3 previous years I have not done. Looks like those tough CrossFit workout are paying off.

Since then my friend Marlene and I decided running should not interfer with our drinking this summer. haha. I am going to concentrate on shorter distances and see if I can work on my speed. Since the bay I have been working on a simple 3.25K route around home and pushing it some days for a tough tempo. I have averaged a 5:30/km on a hard hard tempo and on a fast run but not sucking wind I am able to go approx 5:58/km so I have to keep working on it. I wonder if I can get it to sub 5:30/km???

My goals for a 5K is sub 28 minutes and I would love to be able to go sub 60 minutes for a 10K. Not sure if I can but lets see where this summer's training will take me.

Here is what Jason had to say about today's WOD:

Maybe not a full week but there are quite a few bench mark workouts this week. Today is a strength portion followed by a short metabolic conditioning effort. Our strength part today is MAX OVERHEAD ANYHOW....meaning after a good warm up, especially on your shoulders, you are going to progressively load the bar with weight to determine the maximum amount that you can move from shoulder to overhead for 1 rep. This overhead lift can be done out of a rack and can be a push press, push jerk, split jerk, rack jerk.....whatever works best for you to move the most amount of weight. Lifting something overhead is a great measure of overall strength as it takes a huge amount of strength in the core to support the weight a well as explosiveness in the legs and hips to get it moving........Exercises like the seated dumbbell press are pretty much the most useless thing you can do...any exercise done while sitting down is a waste of time as it takes out all of the core muscles in an attempt to isolate small muscle groups......exactly the way our body DOESN'T WORK!!!!






Double Unders

Sit ups

Reps of 50-40-30-20-10

My previous Max overhead was 100lbs but I haven't been working out lately and I wasn't sure what was going to happen. I worked with Marg who was also back from a week off. She is really strong and can lift heavy.

I went from 95lbs to 105lbs and managed to lift it. I then tried 110 and couldn't get it up but I took a couple extra minutes rest and got 110lbs up!! I tried 115lb and came REALLY close but could not straighten my arms. So - 110 is where my MAX stands.

There were 2 new (young) girls working next to us. One girl is amazing - she had 160lb maybe 165 for her max. Maybe one day huh?!?!?

Annie = such a simple workout if you can do double unders - consecutively - but I can't. I do one then a single skip or 2 skips then another DU....The option is tuck jumps instead and I figure staying in the rhythm of the skipping is easier and one day I am going to get 2 in a row for the DUs. This adds up huge on my time but the more practice with DUs will help me get it. An example - someone did it sub 6 minutes today - they can do double unders - one after the other - I wasn't even close to that.

Time: 11:48

Gotta love Benchmark workouts.

Let's see what tomorrow brings.....