Thursday, March 25, 2010 Friday!!!

Okay - leaving work today was GREAT. Better than ususal. It is now my weekend. Only crusher is that ATB is also this weekend...guess you can't have it all.

Okay I was hoping for the same WOD as the regular class but the fundamentals was a bit different.



Push Press (I used 70lbs)

SDLHP (I used 60lbs)

That was tough. A reminder that Tabata is 20 seconds all out then 10 seconds rest. Repeat 8 times.

Then we did Death by run and box jumps. ( you can do your box jumps any time during the minute)

Run one length then one box jump - rest the remainder of the minute
Run two lenths then two box jumps - rest the remainder of the minute.
Repeat until you can't complete in the minute.

I got to 10 and did my 10 box jumps and made 9 lengths. Very cool way of pushing yourself. I found doing my box jumps at the beginning was easier than trying to do them after the running.

I wanted to do tomorrow mornings class with Angus but I found out what the workout will be - a benchmark workout called Karen....150 Wall Balls for time. Probably not a smart thing to do 2 days before a 30K race. So - Angus will get to go on his own. It won't matter if he can't walk for 2 days. I think I'll keep it a secret from him. haha.

ahhhhhh....the weekend is here.

ahhhhhh...3 more sleeps until Race Day.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hump Day....let's see how a run would feel

Well I have been dealing with a sore lower back all week. I haven't done anything except take Robax Platinum....and a couple of coolers (to make sure they work..haha)

I didn't make it to CrossFit tonight but thought I would take advantage of a beautiful sunny evening and go for a run.

Only 3K but my average pace was 5:43/km. :) It wasn't easy but I wasn't sucking wind either.

All in all I was quite pleased to be able to hold the pace. I am only going for a 6:45/km on Sunday so it should seem easier. I just have to hold that for 30K on tough hills for 8K of it.

The other good thing is that my back is not any more sore after the run but I am still aware of it. I'll try another Robax Platnium tonight but I don't want to be on them after tomorrow. Let's hope everything feels better.

Maybe another run tomorrow night....or Friday morning.

4 more sleeps until ATB!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

What weekend???

Okay - Friday night....Didn't make it to CF and not sure why....must have had something to do with the nice temperatures and passing the bar fridge on the way out back to play with the dogs when I got home. I could hear my name as clear as day from the one pomtini. Too nice of a day to pass up sitting on the deck with the dogs. I didn't feel too guilty since my plans were set to run my 12K Saturday morning.

Saturday- 12K with an overall average of only 7:08/km. No wonder I felt GREAT for the run. It was a lovely morning - jacket was off too early - should have worn a vest - but the mittens were still needed.

The last 2K were under 6:35/km and I felt fresh at the end. All good.

Sunday morning - I woke up a few times (starting at 4am) and then finally at 9:45 I thought - yup - I can make the 10am CF class. haha. 15 minutes to get up - get thinking and get to class. Now I could pull off a 5K run or 10K run without breakfast but this was a HUGE reminder that I need to eat before CF. Too tough to go without energy. My back is killing me today and I think it was from all the standing on the concrete while begging for donations yesterday. I knew as soon as I got out of bed it would be a tough day.

Got to the Box and saw the WOD. (should have stayed in bed came to mind).

Rachel was there supervising the class as a lot of people were at the sectional qualifiers this weekend.


400M Run

DeaadLifts (225/155) I only used 125 because my back was so bad
Box Jumps

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

400M Run

Time: 18:11

I was done and very glad to be finished.

Today I was supposed to do 5-8K with Marlene but decided against it as I can't have a sore back for the Bay. I will baby it and go find some Advil tonight. I want to be healthy for the Bay - I have worked too hard to screw that up.

This time next week I will be done the Bay. Will it be a PB???

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wednesday.....still tired.

Okay - I guess Monday beat the snot out of me...(putting it bluntly). I'm still tired but I got my butt to CF.

The fundamentals class was actaully quite different than todays regular class but let me tell you - it was tough.


35 Curtis Ps
(Hanging clean
Push Press)

4 burpees on the minute

1 minute rest every 5 minutes.

Time: 14:34

I only used 55lbs - glad I didn't go for 65lbs...I might still be there. haha.

Besides Sucking wind - the legs are still exhausted from Monday's 30K and CF. Your heart-rate really doesn't get a chance to come down. The minute rest is actually just allowing you NOT to pass out.

Glad that is done!!!

Maybe I will take tomorrow off or NOT. Stupid's addictive.

Monday, March 15, 2010

One tough day....

Okay - so I may be considered stupid and over-did it today but hey - why not right?!?!?!

This morning was a 30K run. I haven't hit the distance yet for ATB and knew I had to do it before the race. I would have liked to have run the route but yesterday's rain and wind storm kept me inside. Good thing I don't have a goal of making it to Boston so I was able to turn over and go back to sleep. :)

So - this morning I went out all along Northshore and up Valley Inn Road and back again. Hills both ways - a tough route and I was able to pick it up the last 2K. Woo Hoo. 30K done and in the books. I have the tight hams to prove it.

So - after that I checked out the CrossFit web-site to see what the WOD is today. Turns out today they had CBC going in to do a story on CrossFit connection. Jason wanted to do a workout the had LOTS of weights and different movement in it.

OUr fundamentals class had a slight variation but it was ultimately the same one....

The workout was going to do me in.....400M run and then a round of leg blasters were part of it. I had just run 30K and started to tighten up nicely. Any running was going to hurt. Even if it was ONLY 400M.


200 M Sprint

21-15-9 reps of

Thrusters 95 lbs/65 lbs

KB Swings 24 kg/ 16 kg

20 Sit-ups

20 Push-ups

21-15-9 reps of

Sumo Deadlift High-pull 95 lbs/ 65 lbs

Push Press 95 lbs/ 65 lbs

200 M Sprint

Time: 18:31

Well- if I wasn't almost dead before I was that much closer afterwards but still pretty impressed I was able to get the workout done. :)

Thank goodness tomorrow is a day off!!

See you again on Wednesday.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Today at work was full of "good" stuff and some crappy stuff. A good CrossFit workout would help balance things out.

Here is the warm-up:

400M Run

15 Squats

15 Push-ups

300M Run

10 Sit-ups

10 Mountain Climbers

200M Run

5 Pull-ups

5 Burpees

Okay - I was warmed up after that! We have been spoiled with the nice weather so getting to run in your T-shirt in Mid March is so nice.


5 Minutes of KB Swings 32 kg/ 24 kg ( I used 16kg) (101)

4 Minutes of Pull ups (42)

3 Minutes of Push ups (32)

2 Minutes of Sit ups (60- I lost count after that)

1 Minute of Thrusters 45 lbs/ 30 lbs (16)

*score equals your total number of reps

Total: 251

Well - that pretty much did my arms in. They shook even on the way home! I am sure tomorrow I will feel it worse. I am having a celebratory pomtini (due to great raise at work and good review) and it hurt to lift the bottle...that's sad.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Burpees - gotta love burpees

This should be a fun one for everyone that loves BURPEES.........each round is 3 minutes long, within that 3 minutes you must complete 30 Double Unders and 10 Sumo Deadlift Highpulls, you then have the rest of the time to complete as many burpees as possible.....REST 2 minutes....Repeat 4 times...


3 Min Rounds

30 Double Unders

10 SDLHP 135 lbs/95 lbs



4 Rounds

your score is the number of burpees you complete each round

Okay - so I am not where near impressive - one lady actually got 119burpees. (while lifting the Rx weight and that is 81% of her own body weight - AMAZING) My guess is she is a rock star at double unders. If you can cut that time down you have more time for the burpees.

I still can't do back to back double unders so it took me longer to complete it but I wasn't going to bail and do the 35 tuck jumps which was the substitue.

I used 65lbs for the SDLHP

My rounds were as follows: 14, 8 , 12, 11

Total: 45

After the first round it was all I could do to get my breathing back to normal before the start of the second round. It became harder and harder with each round. I have not sucked wind like that in a VERY LONG time.

The second round I could not get my double unders and that made for a poor round.

To sum up todays workout- Holy Crap that was hard!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Another stellar day

The weather is just getting better and better. Today we hit double digits (celcius) and it was wonderful.

We knew some part of today's work out would be a run.

One of CrossFit's saysings is "Our warm up is your work out". Here is a nice example

400 meter run
15 Kettle bells (16Kg)
300 meter run
15 squats
200 meter run
15 sit-ups

It was great to be running outside and only a tshirt and light long sleeve shirt over it (for the first round) by the second run - you only needed the tshirt.


12 Deadlifts (at body weight) I used 125lbs (my desirable body weight - haha)
12 Ring rows
12 Push ups
12 Ball Slams.

2 minutes rest

5 rounds

Time: 15:40

That was a good one. Next time I will go up to 140lbs for the deadlifts. I did 135 last week with the workouts but I need to increase the weight on the workouts so that my MAX's can mprove.

Catching up...

Yesterday was gorgeous outside. Perfect day for a half marathon.

This was a training run so the idea was to go the pace I would run the 30K - Around the Bay in.

I want to do that in under 3:30 which puts it at at 7min/km pace. We ran yesterdays at 6:45 and no worse for wear. I ran it with Heather and we both kept out pace in check.

I finished in about 2:22 or 2:23. No where near a PB but I wasn't going for that.

we got another tech shirt (the girls shirt sucked so we exchanged for a mans shirt that fit and go below the belly button).

So - no pains or really sore muscles - just a great run leading up to goal race. :)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Fridays are never easy....

"Grace" is such and awesome CrossFit workout....30 Clean and Jerks for time with 135 lbs for guys and 95 lbs for girls.....sounds pretty easy but that weight starts to feel real heavy real quick. "Grace" also gives a huge advantage to someone who is big and strong. This workout evens the playing field a little for the smaller guy by adding in some pull ups.


Strength : Back Squat - 3 sets of 5 reps @ 85% 1 rep max ( I did these at 100lbs)

rest a few minutes

20 Pull Ups

10 Clean and Jerks 135 lbs/ 95 lbs

3 Rounds

Time: 11:43


I did 1.5 rounds at 70lbs and then I almost dropped the bar with my wrist getting bent at a weird angle so I dropped to 65lbs for the remainder. I know I have cleaned 80lbs before so I am frustrated with the lack of weight.

I worked afterwards and did about 6 or so with 75lbs. The workout would have been slower and I probably wouldn't have been able to keep it up bt I know I did 75lbs today. I have to go in every couple of days and work on my cleans. I should be able to get 95lbs for workouts. I have to keep the speed in the pull up so I am bringing the bar up and trying not to turn it around with my forearms. So much technique and apparently I suck. haha. Oh and I actually broke a nail weightlifting.....THAT is pathetic.

Well - this was a great workout and I am taking tomorrow off as the Chilly Half marathon is on Sunday. I need rested legs - it is only a training done and will be done at a slower pace as it should be our 30K ATB race pace. I just want to get the distance in and have fun.

See you after the run.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Good Day....

Today was a good day. And now I am one sleep away from Friday. :)

Work is crazy so CrossFit workouts are keeping me sane.


Deadlifts (I used 135lbs)

Wall Balls

Box Jumps

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Time: 11:47

Bring on Friday!!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

That was tough...

When they look so easy you know they are going to hurt soooo much!

This is what Jason posted:

What the hell is a 4 cycle met con????? Sounds like some kind of hybrid foreign car that gets like a 1000 miles to the gallon and seats one small midget with no legs....(oops was that politically correct???)....Anyways in preparation for my competing in the Regional CrossFit Qualifiers in May, I have been getting some coaching from this really great coach out of California, some of the workouts we have been doing lately are derivations of the training that he has me doing...The 4 Cycle Met Con is one of the staples of his training protocol and I have to say I love them and hate them all for the same reasons. Basically this is a full out effort for 3 or 4 minutes followed by a rest period....repeated for x number of rounds, 4 in this case. This rest period is awesome cause it really lets you go full out on each round as opposed to form and speed degrading in a normal 15-20 minute WOD.

You too will learn to love them!!!!!


5 Front Squats 95 lbs/65 lbs

5 Push Press 95 lbs/ 65 lbs

5 Sit-ups

5 Push-ups

As many rounds as possible in 3 minutes

REST 3 Minutes

4 Rounds

REPS; 3 1/2, 3 1/4, 3 1/4, 3/1/4

yeah - who thought 3 minutes could be so tough....

Monday, March 1, 2010

Don't Stop, Don't Drop, Don't Hop

This WOD might take a bit of least after the first round. This one is all about CONSECUTIVE, meaning all movements must be done UNBROKEN in one continuous set. The Wall Ball must be 20 in a can't drop the ball, you can't stop and rest, you can't miss the target.....any of these fouls and you must start the wall ball over. Same for the Ball Slam. Same for the skipping.....20 double unders in a row meaning no hops in between no missed jumps etc or you start the skipping over.


20 Wall Balls 20 lbs/ 12 lbs

20 Ball Slams

20 Double Unders (80 Singles)

4 rounds - UNBROKEN

20 minute time limit

Time: 11:13

So - I knew I had to be consistant on the wall balls - I found them the hardest as you have to push even though you want to stop and take a break - by round 3 you really want to take a break but I did all 4 rounds without having to restart. The skipping was great too until I got to 70 - and tripped up. 10 more to go and I would have been done around 9minutes as someone yelled done as I tripped. Hey - maybe it was THEIR fault!! Then it took me 2 minutes to get to 80 non-stop. 4 tries. Twice I was at 70+...arrrrrggggg.

Great workout and fun too.

I know I will feel the squats and my arms will feel it to. Guess that is what I want!

No Olympics on TV tonight...maybe I will get some work done. haha.