Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Burpees - gotta love burpees

This should be a fun one for everyone that loves BURPEES.........each round is 3 minutes long, within that 3 minutes you must complete 30 Double Unders and 10 Sumo Deadlift Highpulls, you then have the rest of the time to complete as many burpees as possible.....REST 2 minutes....Repeat 4 times...


3 Min Rounds

30 Double Unders

10 SDLHP 135 lbs/95 lbs



4 Rounds

your score is the number of burpees you complete each round

Okay - so I am not where near impressive - one lady actually got 119burpees. (while lifting the Rx weight and that is 81% of her own body weight - AMAZING) My guess is she is a rock star at double unders. If you can cut that time down you have more time for the burpees.

I still can't do back to back double unders so it took me longer to complete it but I wasn't going to bail and do the 35 tuck jumps which was the substitue.

I used 65lbs for the SDLHP

My rounds were as follows: 14, 8 , 12, 11

Total: 45

After the first round it was all I could do to get my breathing back to normal before the start of the second round. It became harder and harder with each round. I have not sucked wind like that in a VERY LONG time.

The second round I could not get my double unders and that made for a poor round.

To sum up todays workout- Holy Crap that was hard!!

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