Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday at CrossFit

Today the WOD wasn't posted on the site so I had no clue what was going to happen. I used to never check the website and be surprised - now I like knowing and I try to prepare before I get there - it never helps but I feel good thinking one of these times it might.


21 Deadlifts
5 rounds of Cindy
15 Deadlifts
4 rounds of Cindy
8 Deadlifts
3 rounds of Cindy

5 pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

Time: 19:04

I did the deadlifts at 130lbs. It seemed almost too light on the first round but guess what?!?!? As soon as those 5 rounds of Cindy were done it felt REALLY heavy again. Amazing how that happens.

It was a great workout. I have a pool of sweat under the bar where I was doing the deadlifts and I think it was an OCEAN where I was doing the push-ups.

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