Sunday, January 10, 2010

Holy Crap that was hard...

Okay - so I walk into Crossfit today just before the 10AM class. I read the board - and I'm happy that it is my first partner workout but then I read what we are going to be doing. Oh boy.....(okay - those weren't really the words that went through my mind). Jason put us all in one spot and partnered everyone. I was with Anne-Marie. She is in AMAZING shape and very strong and has been doing CrossFit for quite some time. I'm still considered a newbie. I don't know if she was pleased she got me or not but there was nothing we could do. We decided we would split each round up - she would do 6 Hanging Squat Cleans as I am doing 15 KB swings and then we would switch out. Ruth assured me I would be okay on the women's require weight of 65lbs for the hanging squat cleans. The 16kg would be fine for me for the KB Swings.

We started and it was tough. Lots of sweat and heavy breathing to get this one done. Anne-Marie had to wait for me each time but not too long.

There was one set - around 5 or 6 that she did 20 KB swings and I only did 10 but otherwise it was a complete split for the workout.

I felt like I was holding her up but she was great and helped me with my form if it started to go.

Our time was pretty good considering some teams did not split the workout up- the stronger person did more but I stuck it out and did half. I was please...but soaked and I stunk pretty bad too. Definitely not smelling like Downy at this point.


"Partner Workout"

Between the 2 of you - complete the following:

Both partners can be working at the same time.

30 KB Swings 24/16kg
12 Hanging Squat Cleans 95/65lbs

10 Rounds

you can divide each round of 30 KBs and 12 Cleans however you like

Between each round you and your partners complete burpees

Round 1 - 10 Burpees
Round 2 - 9 Burpees
Round 3 - 8 Burpess

etc....when you get to 1 burpee you are done!!

Time: 23:47

After that class there was our Aerobic Conditioning Training class. This is a fun workout and you can make it as tough or as easy as you can based on the weights you pick up and how hard you push yourself.

I was exhausted but was going to stay and do it. Angus came and did it for the first time too. I partnered with Kathy (she was the only one who would put up with my "aroma". haha.

There are about 21 stations and we are at each station for 1 minute and move onto the next. Examples are: skipping, mountain climbers, planks, ball slams, Jane Fonda's, Hamstring curls (with the exercise ball), box jumps, calf raises, DB shoulder press, DB rows, DB deadlifts, rowing, jumping jacks etc).

Well - that made me sweat even more.

I'm tired and after some errands I plant to be horizontal on the couch for a while. I'm improving with my lifting and weights so I am please.

Such satisfaction when you can see your hard work is paying off!

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