Friday, January 8, 2010

Finally Friday...Woo Hoo!

How about some SNATCH for Friday??? (that was Jason's lead off on the Crossfit Connection website. I thought it was funny.

Well - today was interesting - I have a hard time doing the hanging squat snatches - I am not strong enough nor am I co-ordinated enough to do them. They are hard - even if only doing 5 at a time.

I used the 30lb bar with no plates on it so just 30lbs....well at some point - I still don't know what happened - I fell - the bar crashed to the ground and without plates it landed kind of on me and on loud crash of the metal hub to the ground. I was embarrased to say the least. Even at CrossFit I can provide the entertainment. I will know how much I tweaked my right knee somewhere in the 20K tomorrow I am running.

The toes to bars for me are actually knees to waist or as high as I can get them.

The Renegade Row is a lot tougher than it seams. I used 20lb dumbells for those. There was a lake of sweat in between the dumbells when I was done.

Strength- Strict Press 4 sets of 5 reps as heavy as possible

I did 55lbs. These are presses that you can not jump or aid in any way. My max (you only have to do it ONCE) previously was 65lbs so to be able to do the 4 sets of 5 at 55 is GREAT.

rest a few minutes

5 Hanging Squat Snatches
7 Toes to Bar
9 Renegade Rows

As Many Rounds as Possible 12 minutes

I did 4 complete rounds and I did 5 Hanging Squat snatches and 7 Toes to Bar but that was it - so 4 and 2/3 in 12 minutes.

I was a pile of goo afterwards.

But Friday night's workout was done and I was already thinking of the 20K I will be running tomorrow afternoon. It should be fun. Lets hope the tweaked knee settles down tonight - you know in my 4 hours of sleep I get at a time. haha.

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