Monday, January 11, 2010


Today's workout was tough and surviving the adventures of Mousse is even tougher. Who knew little chocolate labs love door frame trim? I'm glad I spent so much time last year painting all the wood trim white. I have to remember...this too shall pass. (or open a bottle of wine).

CrossFit was really tough and there was a LOT of sweat involved. I looked at the website earlier this afternoon and saw....MORE THRUSTERS. Holy cow - my legs are going to hate me...but yes - I did go.

Thrusters 95lbs/65lbs
Sumo Deadlift High Pull 95lbs/65lbs
Floor Wipers 95lbs/65lbs
Box Jumps (16")

Reps of 21-15-9-6

Rest for 1 minute every 4 minutes.
Time: 21:50

The required weight was 65lbs for women but I had 60lbs on the bar and for the SDHP I removed 5lbs and did it at 55lbs for the first two reps). I am having problems getting my SDHP and I have to work on that. I should be albe to do higher weights by now but can't at this time. Droping 5lbs for the 21 and 15 allowed me to work hard for the rest of the workout and still keep good form.

I wonder what squat version there will be tomorrow....I bet there has to be more squats this week!

Okay - I'm tired and I wonder how much Mousse will sleep tonight. maybe if I got him to do the workouts he'd sleep through the night....

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