Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thursday....I'm going to make it through this week!

Every Thursday the workout is picked randomly via the Hopper Deck (of cards). Today's pick was a benchmark workout and it is tough.

The girls should be lifting 65lb (so if you were competing that is what every girl will lift. The guys lift 95lbs).

It is supposed to be fast and hard. That it was. I did it with 55lbs today. This was my first time doing this workout.

I am really sore from yesterdays workout. We have done a lot of thrusters/squats lately and that with increasing my weights has taken a toll on my hams. But I guess that means it is all working...or killing me slowly.


Reps of 21-15-9.

Time: 7:41

Once I was done that I picked up Marlene and we went to hit the treadmill. I had no desire to be on the treadmill never mind exerting energy I didn't have.

I managed to run for 28 minutes. The good part of this is that I did actually push it for the last 5 minutes so all was not wasted. Can you say junk miles for the rest???

Then - I didn't even care about the ZONE when we decided to hit the House of Wings...for wings. No alcohol - just water and an order o wings. It will be a long while before I go back. Yummy - but enough.

Okay - Bring on Friday - I can take it!

1 comment:

  1. Chicken wings????? You didn't mention you were going for wings.....I would have run :))
