Sunday, January 24, 2010

5th day of absolutely NOTHING!

Well - it's not that I am being lazy...but I am being lazy.

Last Wednesday a fever took over this body and shut me down. Sleep and drugs is all I wanted...oh and a really big heating pad. I was freezing - layers upon layers and I could not get warm.

I didn't even attempt CrossFit. THAT would have killed me. I was off work on Thursday and Friday - I only booked 2 sick days when I had a stroke 4.5 years ago. So - 2 days in a row from work - I knew I was sick.

Friday I got my butt to the doctor who confimed my lungs were really congested. Really!?!?!? She felt it was viral and gave me 2 different puffers. If I don't have relief by Monday I can call her and she will prescribe something else but now it is a waiting game. They took x-rays of my chest to see if I do have pneumonia or not. Sure feels like something is going on in those lungs.

I missed my 24K run this weekend and the 8K Robbie Burns' Race. It was a race I wanted to do because I know I have improved so much in my running since last year. But - it wasn't going to happen.

So now I am tired and cranky but trying to rest.

Maybe I will go and lift some weights but not with cardio - just try some strength training. I have to do something.....

okay - I will wait until I hear from the Doc and if no news by noon - I will call Jason at CrossFit and see if he can come up with something for me.

That will get me through tomorrow.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend.....

Monday, January 18, 2010

Today is apparently "Blue Monday".

\frac{[W + (D-d)] \times T^Q}{M \times N_a}

According to a press release by a mental health charity, the formula for "Blue Monday" is:
where weather=W, debt=d, time since Christmas=T, time since failing our new year’s resolutions=Q, low motivational levels=M and the feeling of a need to take action=Na. 'D' is not defined in the release, nor are units.

The date was calculated by using many factors, including: weather conditions, debt level (the difference between debt accumulated and our ability to pay), time since Christmas, time since failing our new year’s resolutions, low motivational levels and feeling of a need to take action.

This date allegedly falls on the third Monday of January.

What better way to cure a case of "Blue Monday" then a serious dose of CrossFit.

200 skipping (singles)
30 Wall Balls


21-15-9 reps of

Deadlift (110lbs)
Toes to Bar
Box Jumps (16")

finish with

30 Wall Balls
200 skipping (singles)

Time: 15:28

That was a sweatfest. I always know when I have had a hard workout (besides the fact that I am sucking wind or can't move) by my shins sweating. The sweat was running down my shins today - it was a tough workout. Then again - I think I should just admit - they are all tough...Guess I'm just a little slow...haha.

Oh and for grins - I started my day with a 25min treadmill run. My legs were still pretty heavy from the weekends workload. I will run again tomorrow night or Wednesday night - hopefully that will be better. Hopefully I will get to run outside and for a longer time/distance.

I think Mousse had a hard day too - he is too tired to pick up his head. I bet he barked and jumped in his crate all afternoon. Poor little guy - he has some of the chocolate brown scraped off his nose - I guess that is his war wound for today. One day he will learn to love his "den".

Until then...that's all for today......

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Holy sh*t that was tough...

Okay - Sunday morning. All my days start at 5am to take the dogs out. Little puppy Mousse doesn't last as long as I would like him too. And this was after a 3am visit to the backyard. I got up to go to the washroom and that was enough to make Mousse stir and wake up and with a wake up of a little puppy - there is a washroom outing. My life is GRAND....

So now we have a 10am CrossFit class. Lovely.

Walk in and it is Debbie and Andy teaching today. They love workouts with running and since the temperature is a balmy zero degrees Celsius it was a great day to add running to the workout.


Kettle Bell Swings 16kg
Box Jumps - 16"
Wall Balls - 8lbs (yes - I wimped out on these)

25 of each then a 400M run
20 of each then a 400M run
15 of each then a 400M run
10 of each then a 400M run
5 of each and you are done.

TIME: 20:27

It was great to be done and it was a tough metcon workout. Holy sh*t was it tough but I did great and had a great time - The women were supposed to do 20" box jumps and 14lb for the wall balls. I can do a few 20" box jumps but I am not comfortable or safe enough to do it pushing in a workout so I am still at 16" - maybe by March I'll be at 20"....or maybe I will try this week to push the 20"...we will see.

So - 10am class finishes and the 11am ACT class starts.

Circuit training and more cardio. Lovely It was a good workout and I paired up with Angus. He is just starting to do these classed but is doing well. Having him go to more CrossFit classes will help him improve too.

That's all my working out for today. It might be a movie day....maybe not - we will see. Whatever it is I can guarantee it will be relaxing. :)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

22kms in the books....

Time: 8:20am
Temperature: 0 degrees Celcius
Wind Chill: -6
Wind: SW 22km/hr

Well - we got up to run 22Km today. I went to Marlene's and we decided to run from her place instead of driving to the location in downtown Burlington. It meant we weren't going to get the monster hill in but we both decided we would be okay with that.

We did ENJOY a lot of hills along North Shore and I was pleased that I ran all the hills - even the long killer one before LaSalle Park. You think that hill will never in and one of my goals is to run that sucker every time I get to it.

We came back along the flat route and we had over estimated our turn-around point which means we could have had the 24K done for next week but at 22K we walked it in. We will save the 24K for when we should run it. :) Yeah - consider us slackers.

The run felt good - even the hills and it was great to be running with so little gear on. Lately it has been so cold that we have to bundle up - but today was nice enough to enjoy some lighter clothes.

I had a hard time with 17K- 19K but we had picked it up and was pushing it. With all the heavy deadlifting of CrossFit lately - my hams and but were feeling it. It's amazing that at 20K I was able to do a 6:02min/km for the last km. I was pleased...but sore and tired.

So -that is it for this week's long run. I better try to get a couple of short runs in this week - I have been slacking off on them lately.

Next week is 24K - I will have to do that on Saturday again as on Sunday is the Annual Robbie Burns' Race - 8K - and where else can you wear you kilt running?!?!?!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday night beating...


Barbell Complex

- Front Squat

- Push Press

- Lunge - Lunge

- Back Squat

- Push Press

(6 reps)

20 Sit-ups

3 rounds - add more wieght each round

I started at 55lbs, then 60lbs than 65lbs.

Very controlled workout - the class did it all together so we could not rush through - our form had to stay good the entire way.

Rest a few minutes.

The next workout was the 2nd workout from the 2008 edition of The CrossFit Games . A short, heavy, very taxing effort. Anything with Burpees is hard....combine Burpees with heavy deadlifts and deadly is the only word that comes to mind....

5 Deadlifts 275/185lbs

10 Burpess

5 Rounds

I saw 185lbs and laughed - my MAX for Deadlift was only 170lbs.... I used 115lbs for this work out. This was a pukefest workout - you get light headed and seeing stars during the lifting and then the burpees just give you the beating you may need on a Friday after the weak has beaten you up. Nice.

That was enough...time to go home...22K for tomorrow monring...I need SLEEP.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

CrossFit Total...

The CrossFit Total is the sum of the best of three attempts at the squat, the press, and the deadlift, the three most effective lifts in existence for developing and testing functional strength.



Combined Total of a 1 rep max of the following 3 lifts




Score the 1 rep max for each of the 3 lifts. Add the 3 high scores to determine your CrossFit Total.

Okay - so this isn't a metcon workout but is is great to see where my work has paid off and where I have a lot of work to do. i admit it - I have a LOT of work to do everywhere still but I have had some improvements.

I did the Crossfit Total in December - about 2 months of doing CrossFit and 1 month of going regularly.

Back Squat - I did 125lbs without too much of a problem - it was tough. We start with the bar racked on the stand. To take 125lb across the back of your neck/shoulders - it feels like a lot. Then squat and stand back up. I attempted 135 and needed help getting up so that didn't count. I should have attempted 130 as I probably could have done it but we said 125 was my max which was the same as December 1st. No Improvement...Well - it was a bit easier. :)

Strict Press - This on makes me smile. I am 100lbs to 150lbs behind people on the back squat and the deadlift but I match a lot of people on this. Guess these shoulders of mine are strong. I did 70lbs today and that was struggling. It wasn't pretty but I got it up. You can't use any jump or momentum to get the bar in the air. It is getting the bar overhead with straight force. Tough. I improved 5lbs since December 1st.

Dead Lift - some people deadlift small houses. It's incredible to see the people at the gym and the plates they have on their bar. Today I watched someone do 405 and he did it. Wow. I did 170lbs. That is 10lbs better than December 1st. I was pleased. I even budged 175lbs but couldn't get it off the ground. Maybe next time.

So my CrossFit Total was 365. That is 20points/pounds better than the last time!!

After that I had to rush to get to Oakville to meet the running group for some FUN hills. It was a beautiful night out- great temperature - almost balmy (haha). I did 4 hills which is great as last week I missed them so I am not too far out of the loop. I am not fast but I do feel stronger running the hills and I know the CrossFit work has really helped. Oh and I'm lugging 20lbs less up those hills - I am sure that is making a difference too. Another 20lbs needs to come up but it will in time.

So - that was my Thursday workout. Tomorrow...looking forward to Crossfit and prepping for the 22K run on Saturday. Bring on Valley Inn Road!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Knew it...

It had to include more knew it had to. I wonder how long it is until my legs stop working for me?!?!

60 Double Unders
60 Sit-ups
20 Overhead Squats

30 Double Unders
30 Sit-ups
10 Overhead Squats

15 Double Unders
15 Sit-ups
5 Ovehead Squats

Time: I forgot to look after I was done. It was between 9 minutes and 12 minutes...I think. It was hard and I can't do the Overhead Squat very well. I was only able to do it with 35lbs - THAT needs lots of work.

That's all I had for today. Might try to get my run in tomorrow....should have gone today but took it as a sign that I forgot my ipod shuffle at home. If I am running on a treadmill I can't do it without music.

Pathetic huh????

Monday, January 11, 2010


Today's workout was tough and surviving the adventures of Mousse is even tougher. Who knew little chocolate labs love door frame trim? I'm glad I spent so much time last year painting all the wood trim white. I have to remember...this too shall pass. (or open a bottle of wine).

CrossFit was really tough and there was a LOT of sweat involved. I looked at the website earlier this afternoon and saw....MORE THRUSTERS. Holy cow - my legs are going to hate me...but yes - I did go.

Thrusters 95lbs/65lbs
Sumo Deadlift High Pull 95lbs/65lbs
Floor Wipers 95lbs/65lbs
Box Jumps (16")

Reps of 21-15-9-6

Rest for 1 minute every 4 minutes.
Time: 21:50

The required weight was 65lbs for women but I had 60lbs on the bar and for the SDHP I removed 5lbs and did it at 55lbs for the first two reps). I am having problems getting my SDHP and I have to work on that. I should be albe to do higher weights by now but can't at this time. Droping 5lbs for the 21 and 15 allowed me to work hard for the rest of the workout and still keep good form.

I wonder what squat version there will be tomorrow....I bet there has to be more squats this week!

Okay - I'm tired and I wonder how much Mousse will sleep tonight. maybe if I got him to do the workouts he'd sleep through the night....

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Holy Crap that was hard...

Okay - so I walk into Crossfit today just before the 10AM class. I read the board - and I'm happy that it is my first partner workout but then I read what we are going to be doing. Oh boy.....(okay - those weren't really the words that went through my mind). Jason put us all in one spot and partnered everyone. I was with Anne-Marie. She is in AMAZING shape and very strong and has been doing CrossFit for quite some time. I'm still considered a newbie. I don't know if she was pleased she got me or not but there was nothing we could do. We decided we would split each round up - she would do 6 Hanging Squat Cleans as I am doing 15 KB swings and then we would switch out. Ruth assured me I would be okay on the women's require weight of 65lbs for the hanging squat cleans. The 16kg would be fine for me for the KB Swings.

We started and it was tough. Lots of sweat and heavy breathing to get this one done. Anne-Marie had to wait for me each time but not too long.

There was one set - around 5 or 6 that she did 20 KB swings and I only did 10 but otherwise it was a complete split for the workout.

I felt like I was holding her up but she was great and helped me with my form if it started to go.

Our time was pretty good considering some teams did not split the workout up- the stronger person did more but I stuck it out and did half. I was please...but soaked and I stunk pretty bad too. Definitely not smelling like Downy at this point.


"Partner Workout"

Between the 2 of you - complete the following:

Both partners can be working at the same time.

30 KB Swings 24/16kg
12 Hanging Squat Cleans 95/65lbs

10 Rounds

you can divide each round of 30 KBs and 12 Cleans however you like

Between each round you and your partners complete burpees

Round 1 - 10 Burpees
Round 2 - 9 Burpees
Round 3 - 8 Burpess

etc....when you get to 1 burpee you are done!!

Time: 23:47

After that class there was our Aerobic Conditioning Training class. This is a fun workout and you can make it as tough or as easy as you can based on the weights you pick up and how hard you push yourself.

I was exhausted but was going to stay and do it. Angus came and did it for the first time too. I partnered with Kathy (she was the only one who would put up with my "aroma". haha.

There are about 21 stations and we are at each station for 1 minute and move onto the next. Examples are: skipping, mountain climbers, planks, ball slams, Jane Fonda's, Hamstring curls (with the exercise ball), box jumps, calf raises, DB shoulder press, DB rows, DB deadlifts, rowing, jumping jacks etc).

Well - that made me sweat even more.

I'm tired and after some errands I plant to be horizontal on the couch for a while. I'm improving with my lifting and weights so I am please.

Such satisfaction when you can see your hard work is paying off!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

What a beautiful SUNNY Saturday!

Time: 1:30pm
Temperature: -9 degrees Celsius
Wind Chill: -
Wind: -

We had 20K on schedule for this weeks long run. Marlene is working this weekend and could not run Sunday morning so we agreed to run Saturday afternoon. This was great as we got to run with Kathy who runs on Saturdays. Not sure if Kathy wanted the company but she didn't kick us out when we showed up. :)

We started at Kathy's house and then headed East on Townsend to King Road. Then south to North Shore and along all the lovely hills of North Shore. This is part of the Around the Bay Route that I will be doing again at the end of March. It has the distinction of being the oldest road race in North America. Their claim is that it is "older than Boston".

Once we went all along North Shore and those killer hills we met Julie R at LaSalle park and she joined us. Kathy took us through the cemetery to hook up with Plains Road and out along that. Once we hit 10K we turned around - well - I had to belive we hit 10K as I forgot to start my Garmin again when there was a "pit stop" in the cemetery. Nice when they have washrooms for people to use. :) Then it was back the way we came and we had to do one more killer hill and then it was pretty much flat on the way back. We had a few sections of packed snow. I HATE running on that stuff. We finished on a nice patch of packed snow.

Everyone ran well. Marlene and Kathy ran together and the two Julie's stuck together. Glad it was done and even more glad that my knee didn't give me any problems I was worried about due to yesterdays fall at CrossFit.

It was a beautiful sunny day and it was so worth being out there for the longer distance. It seems like a long time since I have enjoyed that much sunshine. On a beach in Mexico with Jennifer might have been a BIT better but this was preety sweet too.

So - 20K is in the books and already thinking about next weeks scheduled 24K. Distance is building again and lack of sleep due to the puppy is adding up. I need afternoon naps. :)

Friday, January 8, 2010

Finally Friday...Woo Hoo!

How about some SNATCH for Friday??? (that was Jason's lead off on the Crossfit Connection website. I thought it was funny.

Well - today was interesting - I have a hard time doing the hanging squat snatches - I am not strong enough nor am I co-ordinated enough to do them. They are hard - even if only doing 5 at a time.

I used the 30lb bar with no plates on it so just 30lbs....well at some point - I still don't know what happened - I fell - the bar crashed to the ground and without plates it landed kind of on me and on loud crash of the metal hub to the ground. I was embarrased to say the least. Even at CrossFit I can provide the entertainment. I will know how much I tweaked my right knee somewhere in the 20K tomorrow I am running.

The toes to bars for me are actually knees to waist or as high as I can get them.

The Renegade Row is a lot tougher than it seams. I used 20lb dumbells for those. There was a lake of sweat in between the dumbells when I was done.

Strength- Strict Press 4 sets of 5 reps as heavy as possible

I did 55lbs. These are presses that you can not jump or aid in any way. My max (you only have to do it ONCE) previously was 65lbs so to be able to do the 4 sets of 5 at 55 is GREAT.

rest a few minutes

5 Hanging Squat Snatches
7 Toes to Bar
9 Renegade Rows

As Many Rounds as Possible 12 minutes

I did 4 complete rounds and I did 5 Hanging Squat snatches and 7 Toes to Bar but that was it - so 4 and 2/3 in 12 minutes.

I was a pile of goo afterwards.

But Friday night's workout was done and I was already thinking of the 20K I will be running tomorrow afternoon. It should be fun. Lets hope the tweaked knee settles down tonight - you know in my 4 hours of sleep I get at a time. haha.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thursday....I'm going to make it through this week!

Every Thursday the workout is picked randomly via the Hopper Deck (of cards). Today's pick was a benchmark workout and it is tough.

The girls should be lifting 65lb (so if you were competing that is what every girl will lift. The guys lift 95lbs).

It is supposed to be fast and hard. That it was. I did it with 55lbs today. This was my first time doing this workout.

I am really sore from yesterdays workout. We have done a lot of thrusters/squats lately and that with increasing my weights has taken a toll on my hams. But I guess that means it is all working...or killing me slowly.


Reps of 21-15-9.

Time: 7:41

Once I was done that I picked up Marlene and we went to hit the treadmill. I had no desire to be on the treadmill never mind exerting energy I didn't have.

I managed to run for 28 minutes. The good part of this is that I did actually push it for the last 5 minutes so all was not wasted. Can you say junk miles for the rest???

Then - I didn't even care about the ZONE when we decided to hit the House of Wings...for wings. No alcohol - just water and an order o wings. It will be a long while before I go back. Yummy - but enough.

Okay - Bring on Friday - I can take it!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Hump Day....

At the start of every minute complete 10 sit-ups.
For the remainder of the minute complete:

25 Squat Cleans (65lbs)
25 Pull-ups (purple band and thin black band)
25 Push Jerks

Time: 11:43

That was one tough workout. I was able to lift the weight for the squat cleans but they were slow. On the positive side - I did get good squats with the weight.

The pull-ups were a disaster but I used less bands and had to work harder.

Push Jerks are my favorite thing so far and I find them easy to do. I was feeling the weight by the end though.

I felt great after - well - after the wanting to puke feeling left me. Tough, fast workouts with heavy weights are my favorite. :)

Gotta go for my run...

I finally made it to the gym around 7:40pm. I really didn't want to run but I know I need to get my mileage in if I am going to succeed at ATB.

I figured I would do 6K easy as that is what my schedule called for but then once I started running I felt good and started to crank up the speed. Always on the treadmill it is at 1% incline. That is to make it more like the grade of a flat road.

I didn't do 10 and 1s but just ran it straight and picked up the speed. I did 3.1miles (5K) in 29:13 mintues. Sub 30!! Woo Hoo!

My workout day is complete!

Hump Day wasn't so bad afterall....

Monday, January 4, 2010

Back to a much needed routine...

It was great to get back to work today - I need to get back to a routine - even if it means not lounging around at home watching TV instead of working.

I am trying to get back in the ZONE today but we went out for lunch for someone's birthday and I blew it. I enjoyed myself but hey - last time. Tomorrow I am totally in the ZONE for the rest of the week. (now it is in writing!!)

The workout was hard today but I thought I would try doing 80 lbs for the push presses but Jason said with the number of reps I should lower to 75lbs. Imagine that - HE is telling me to reduce the weight. THAT never happens. But he was right. 75lbs was tough and I had to break up the last two sets of push presses for a little break. 5 and 5 and then 6and 4. But I got it done and not too bad of a time either. Woo Hoo!

5 Ring Dips
10 Push Press (75lbs)
15 Box Jumps (16")
20 Sit ups

4 Rounds

Time: 12:43

Sunday, January 3, 2010

16K Special

Time: 7:15 am
Temperature: -12 degrees Celsius
Wind Chill: -22 degrees Celsius
Wind: 26kms/hr

Easy Run Pace: 6:45/km
Tempo Pace for 9 minutes: 5:54/km (Best was 5:05/km) -- 1.53kms

I am running with Connor's Runners for the winter to spring clinic. Dr. Stephen Connor is the coach and mastermind into his program (AKA torture).

Dr. Steve's program consists of building distance for three weeks and then the fourth is always a drop down week.

Dr. Steve loves the 16K special weeks. They are a drop down week in mileage (even though last week was only 18K) and they are always interesting.

Today the 16K special consisted of running about 5 or 6K EASY to downtown Oakville - the area around the library, pool, and performing arts centre. There are 4 sets of stairs...we would run up the first set - circle around and come back around past the bottom of the first set of stairs - the ones you had just gone up - then you would continue to the second set of stairs - run up them and then circle around and come down the first set of stairs....repeat for the 4 sets of stairs and then turn it around in reverse - as long as you went up each set of stairs twice and you had to push it hard going up. Some were just stinkin' hard - but then again - it wouldn't be special if it wasn't.

After completing the stairs you then head back the way you came (EASY RUN) but you stopped at the high school track on the way back . Why you ask? Well when you get to the track why wouldn't you want to run all out tempo for nine (9) minutes???? Wow that was hard but it felt good to get the legs going fast after taking it easy on the previous run portions.

It was brutally cold out today and when we ran North the wind was unbearable...okay - it just felt unbearable.

I ran with Marlene and we were glad it was done and HUNGRY at the end. Go figure.

We met up with Kim, Louise and gang for breakfast. I had one pancake and then I had to run off to the Aerobic Conditioning Training class at Crossfit Connection. I got there - and found out it was cancelled. I was not happy as I didn't get to do that workout AND obviously didn't finish my breakfast. Guess it wasn't meant to be.

This week I will be juggling work, crossfit classes, the dogs, Mousse's meet and greet at the training school and getting my mid week runs in.

I will also be concentrating on my diet more and getting back to the ZONE!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Why Blog?????

I need organization
I need a record of all the workouts I do.
I need proof (for myself) that I am improving
I need proof (for myself) that I give it my all during my workouts
I need proof that I need to work harder
I need proof that I am on a journey I am in control of.

I am sure I will be adding to this list as time goes.

I decided that January 1st is a great day to start since the WOD (workout of the day) at Crossfit Connections was going to be a killer workout. I heard what 2009 had to offer and was nervous if I could complete it. I even asked Ruth (one of the owners and positive life forces from CF) if I could do the workout or if I would be out of my league. She told me to come and I would be fine. I guess you could say...I needed to prove to myself I could do it. I wanted to prove to myself I could do it. So - in true Julie style I signed up and.....committed....

I have been going to Crossfit for about 3 months now - and only since November have I increased the number of times per week. Originally it was 2 or 3 times but after the Hamilton Half marathon (November 2nd) I committed to working out more and following the ZONE diet.

I spoke to Ruth about my diet and now she is working with me to provide the motivational support and encouragement to take control of my weight and health. I did the Isagenix 9 day cleanse program and moved right to the zone diet. I have lost 20 lbs and with the Crossfit workouts I have gotten so much stronger. Every time I am able to add more weight to my workouts I can feel the satisfaction that Crossfit is working to make me a healthier and stronger person.

My running has reapped the rewards as well. I will never be a Boston qualifier but to run injury free (knock on wood) and feel strong on my runs is a huge improvement. I am sure my times will improve and to set my running goal to myself - I signed up for the 2010 Around the Bay - which will be my goal race. (See - Julie style again - sign up for something to commit and wonder - what was I last year I said I wasn't going to do ATB again....)

I am running with Connors Runners which is lead by Dr. Stephen Connor in Oakville. Dr. Steve is my chiropractor which I am thankful I have only seen him at the running clinic and at Crossfit - I haven't had to see him lately for treatment...I am sure that might change as the distance increases but right now I believe that Crossfit is making my core and every muscle stronger to withstand the distances....we will see - and that is one of the points of this blog.

It will be interesting to check back in a month or two and see how I am doing and keeping track of my maximu weights lifted and times for the benchmark workouts. I also hope to have a steady record of more weightloss and increased health.

I will post informaiton about crossfit and videos/pictures of some of the exercies or drills we do. It is a tough kick ass workout but just like a marathon...if you WANT to do CAN do it. Work hard and see the rewards....

For 2010....I would like to be able to add more weights to my drills and see if by the end of the year I could do one..yes...even just one...pull up without the assitance of the bands. I have a lot of work to do on any of the bar excercises (dead hangs, L sits, knees to elbow, pullups etc). That area needs a lot of work so hopefully I can acheive doing a pull up.

So - there it is - written down on January 2nd, 2010. Let's get 'er done!


January 1st, 2010

The following is what Jason posted on the Crossfit Website about the updcoming New Years Day workout...

I was getting lots of question this year about our annual SEASONS BEATINGS workout. Is it a partner workout like last year? Is it 2010 reps this year? , etc. Well this year it is all about TABATA. Tabata is the interval workout where the work interval is 20 seconds and the rest interval is 10 seconds, for a total of 8 rounds or 4 minutes. 20-10 perfect!!! Now a normal TABATA workout is 4 or 5 seperate moves put together in a 15 or 20 minute workout. This workout is anything but normal!!!!

Whe we arrived we found out what the WOD was going to be:

New Year's Day Tabatathon
PART 1 - A full 4 minute tabata of the following 20 movements
1. Turkisk Get ups
2. Sit- ups
3. Lunge
4. Supermans
5. Jump Squats
6. Jumping Pull ups
7. Plank
8. Squats
9. Dead Hang
10. REST
11. Push Ups
12. Box Jumps
13. Wall Sit
14. Knees to Elbows
15. Bulgarian Split Squats
16. Double Unders
17. Mountian Climbers
18. L-Hang
19. Jumping Lunges
20. REST
PART 2 - A full 4 minute Tabata of the following 10 movements
1. Push Press 75 lbs/ 55 lbs
2. KB Swing 24 kg/ 16 kg
3. Sumo DL Highpull 75/55
4. Ball Slam 20 lbs/ 12 lbs
5. Back Squats 75/55
7. Deadlift 75/55
8. Wall Ball 20/12
9. Thrusters 75/55
10. Pull ups
That's it........ 2 hours on the button......GOOD LUCK!!!!!!