Friday, May 28, 2010

Wednesday May 26th - still stinkin' hot and humid

But yes - it is better than snow!!

This WOD was going to be hard but so much more do-able than yesterday's. My quads were already complaining about yesterday's workout. I can only imagine what they will be like tomorrow (Day 2)


Push Press
Ball Slams
Wall Balls

21, 15, 9, 6

Time: 23:49

I used 65lbs for the Push Press - a little mental therapy after yesterday's let down on the weights
Ball Slams - I used 15lbs and Wall Ball I used 8lbs (had no energy to be able to use the 12 or 14lb ball).

It was a tough workout on a hot humid day and I was glad it was done!

Catching up...again - Tuesday May 25th

Holy crap it was hot today. I know the first few times running in the heat are more taxing on your body until you get used to the heat but who knew it would affect lifting so much. I have been able to do Rx weight on a lot of the workouts lately and today I should have been able to do the RX weight of 65lbs. No way that was going to happen. I think Jason wanted to cause us serious pain with this WOD.
21 Thrusters 95 lbs/65 lbs
100 m Sprint
21 Sumo Deadlift Highpull 95 lbs/65lbs
100 m Sprint
21 Front Squats
100 m Sprint
21 Box Jumps
2 Rounds

Time: 23:49

I started with 60lbs on the bar and did the first set of thrusters with that. I droped to 55lbs on the SDLHPs and that was okay. Part way through the first round I wanted to puke. Thought about it and was able to hold it off.

At the start of Round 2 I dropped the weight to 50lbs. Part way through the thrusters I thought about crying...I was really close to crying. Not sure if it was from the pain/heat/exhuastion or if it was the fact that I was down to 50lbs and it was still hard.

I think I melted. It was NASTY. I knew my legs were going to feel that one.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Not a great day....

Well - today is a day that I could forget about.

I had to take my car in and get the rotors looked at. The dealership machined them and since day one I have had nothing but shaking, grinding and thumping whenever I go to brake. The shuttle driver went through a solid red light at a busy intersection during rush hour. I am a bad passenger at the best of times so this was not a good ride to work. Then they call me and tell me that the rotors have hot spots and it was going to be 120.00 for new rotors. Hello??? What part of YOU screwed up didn't you understand? My "chat" finally went to the service manager and they ended up covering the cost. D'uh.....

I have been feeling "off" all day. Just wonky. head isn't right - a little nausea and all round yucky.

I decided to go to CrossFit and go light with the weights and if I felt I had to stop I was going to give myself permission to stop.


Deadlifts (at body weight)

8 - 400 meter run
5 - 400 meter run
1 - 400 meter run

Time: 17:19

I lifted really light. I should have been able to do 135lbs or maybe 5 more than that but I went with 120lbs - that was enough. I have to work on my form on these deadlifts. I'm not using the backs of my legs as much as I'm using my back - that has got to stop.

So - there it was done -and I didn't pass out or quit.

Tomorrow will hopefully be better.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Crazy Hard....

There isn't much I have to say about this workout. It sucked. I sucked....but I got it done. I found the wall balls almost impossible after the run. Maybe I should practice those every time I go in. Maybe 10 each time. I'll give it a go and see if that helps. I never get a good rhythm going. If I ever have "Karen" as a workout I would be in BIG trouble.

All I could do after I finished was lie down and wish for death...or a huge amount of oxygen to hit my body. I was done. Great challenge though. :)


1 Mile Run

30 Wall Ball 20/12 lbs ( I used 10lbs)

30 KB Swings 24 kg/16kg

30 Box Jumps (16")

800 m Run

20 Wall Ball

20 KB Swings

20 Box Jumps

400 M Run

10 Wall Ball

10 KB Swings

10 Box Jumps

Time: 26:56


This was a nice workout for a Sunday. It wasn't one of those killer long Sunday workouts but good just the same. Really - is there any BAD CrossFit workouts????


5 Rounds - Not For Time

Bench Press for MAX Reps
Pull Ups for MAX Reps

Give yourself enough rest between each set.

Okay - they suggested body weight as your target. hahahahahaha.

I used 80lbs for my bench presses and I used the purple and black bands for the Pull ups.

Here are my rounds:

Bench Presses: 7 - 9 - 7 - 8 - 8
Pull-Ups - 4 - 6 - 5 - 5 - 4

I wasn't able to lift 85lbs as we were working on figuring out our MAX so I stayed with 80. After we were done I tried 85 and was able to do it. :) So next time it will be at least 85lbs on the bench presses. :)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

So Proud of Mary Ellen!!

Okay - well - for someone who assured me she would NEVER run - Mary Ellen has for once not kept her word. Well - this would be the second time she didn't keep her word. The first time was when she ran the Niagara Falls 5K last fall. :)

I had made my 10K goal for 2010 at the Oakville Race so I offered to run the 10K race with her. She took me up on it. I was happy about that as I wasn't in the mood to try to beat my last time which took me 5 years to finally get. But I also hasn't run long in about 2 weeks so I was worried about the distance. I keep forgetting CrossFit is the ideal cross training and it will cover my missed runs - It is making me stronger and just like tempo running with weights mid week. haha.

Okay - it was a cool night but a beautiful night for a run. Us and a couple thousand of our friends.

A little messy getting to the start but the stars aligned and we got there with plenty of time to spare. The planets aligned for us.

Mary Ellen's first goal was to finish and she figured she would be about 1:15:00. I thought differently on the time but just went with it. Her dream goal would be about 1:10 - I figured that is where we would be closer too but I was just going along for a run.

Keeping her back at the start is work enough . Really Mary Ellen - all these people that are passing us - half of them we will see again as you pass them since they went out too fast and have nothing left in the tank. You are going to finish strong. Pacing - all about pacing.

We kept a steady pace until about 5K and then it was time to start working and start feeling a little bit uncomfortable. :)
6K - 7K was just a bit uncomfortable.
7K to 8K we started to pick people off and continued to increase our pace and picking until 9K. About 8.25K we took a QUICK walk break - a sip of water and 3 big breaths. Lets go. We just went and picked and picked and picked and I just pushed her. She was either going to go faster or swear at me. She went faster (I knew she would).

She crossed at 1:09:15. All goals achieved. :)

She did amazing and I'm proud of her. She did all her running and training on her own and stayed with it.

Next.....15K in Toronto in August. Lots of time to get the distance in there and build the confidence for hte 15K distance. (I better start training).

Way to go Mary Ellen!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Another benchmark looked too was going to hurt.

The benchmark workout "Barbara" fits in beautifully with the 3 minute REST for the 4 cycle met cons this week....its just a 5 cycle met con instead. Really simple yet really tough workout... all bodyweight stuff but it starts to pile up after round a few rounds. Three minutes REST between rounds means that each round should be an all out full effort to do the movements as close to unbroken as possible. Strange but with this workout I always find the sit ups to be the toughest part......Alot of CrossFit's gyms perform the sit ups as anchored, meaning that you have your feet hooked under dumbbells which enables you can pull more with your legs and hip flexors....we have always done them the tougher unanchored we will stick with that method.
20 Pull ups (we did jumping pull-ups)
30 Push ups
40 Sit ups
50 Squats


Time: 31:56

The clock didn't start on time - a little mess up. I think it was about a minute off. Here are my times for the rounds....

Round 1 - 2:59

Start Round 2 at 5:59

round 2 - 9:54 (3:53)

Start Round 3 at 12:54

Round 3 - 17:12 (4:18)

Start Round 4 at 20:12

round 4 - 24:30 (4:18) (haha - how's that for pacing???

Start Round 5 at 27:30

Round 5 - 31:56 (4:26)

That was brutal. Apparantly I don't like Barbara much either. Go Figure.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

That was FUN!!!


Today was hard and a couple of times I thought I might either pass out or fall down and throwing up felt close twice in the workout. So - I guess that means I worked hard. Dawn and I spoke after and she also does what I do = after the workout - think about how you could have either done more or saved time. I have to remember not to do that but give it my all during the workout so that there is less chance of second guessing my effort. I always like to live with the "what ifs" and I have to stop doing a lot of areas of my life and sports.

So - here is what today's workout was about...

Today we are doing an AMRAP workout, what is an AMRAP workout you ask. AMRAP is the acronym for As Many Rounds As Possible. So we have a circuit of moves x,y, and z and we continue to repeat that circuit over and over again for the prescribed time. Like most CrossFit workouts tackling an AMRAP workout takes some thought and planning you have to look at the time domain and figure out how hard you can go out of the gate.....if it is a 20 minutes workout you have to be smart enough to realize that if you go full out from the gun you are not going to be able to keep that pace. Look at the workout and realize what your strengths are and what parts you are going to have difficulty with and set yourself a goal. If you have no idea as to how many rounds you might get then use the clock as your gauge....keep an eye on it see where you are at after 5 minutes or 10 minutes and try and maintain that pace or 90% of that pace or whatever works for you. Being smart about these workouts and knowing your body and what you are capable of will always yield better results with CrossFit workouts.


5 Burpee Pull ups*

10 Deadlifts 185 lbs / 135 lbs

20 Jump Squats

AMRAP 20 Minutes

*The burpee pull up is just like it position yourself under the pull up bar, you do a the top of your jump of the burpee you grasp the pull up bar and continue to pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar.

( I had to use a box jump and then do a jumping pull-up).

Rounds Completed: 6 1/3 rounds in 20 minutes.

I was most pleased about being able to do the 135 Rx weight. It was hard and my lifts were slow but they got up. Not sure on my form but no one was yelling at me to correct anything so I hope that means it was okay. The only thing that saved me was that I could do the squat jumps fairly fast which made up for my VERY slow deadlifts. I am hoping lifting heave in these deadlifts will help improve my MAX deadlift. I would LOVE to be able to see 200 or more the next time we do a MAX. If it was tonight...I'd be too damn tired.....

I wonder what tomorrow will bring???

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Finally - the Rx weight for the entire workout!

Well today's workout looked tough on first glance and guess what?!?!?!It was. Imagine that. I am still waiting for the day when a workout is on the easy side. haha. I guess that will be the day I drop some weights...and probably won't happen.

I wasn'st sure if I should try the Rx weight but then with some encouragment from Dawn I gave it a go. The thrusters were tough but the SDLHPs I can't seem to get the bar up to my chin. The big ol' fat chest gets in the way. I know my form would improve if I dropped the wieght but then thw workout would be too easy and we can't have that....can we???? Don't get me wrong - I think my form is good until lthe bar hits the chest - then I can't get it farther to my chin. I will keep working on that.

It was raining out and cold but when we hit the outdoors for the run you didn't even notice it. You were too hot and tired from the first part of the round to really care.

It was a great workout though.


12 Thrusters 95 lbs/ 65 lbs

12 Sumo Deadlift Highpulls 95 lbs / 65 lbs

Wipers 95lbs/65lbs

200 M Sprint

4 Rounds

Time: about 20:30. (I will remember to write these things down or email them to before I leave the box.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Gotta Love Long Workouts on Mondays...

Back to 3 minutes REST this week in the 4 cycle met con will this affect you???? Well, like always you should be pushing as hard as you can for each cycle of 3 or 4 minutes, no breaks for water, etc. until the rest interval and you should be aiming to be completing your reps continuously. After the last 6 weeks of these workouts with decreasing rest times your body is getting better at recovering so I would expect with 3 minutes rest this week that your work output will stay relatively consistent over each of the 4 cycles.


8 Box Jumps

6 Push Jerks 125 lbs / 85 lbs ( I did 80lbs for the first two rounds (less one lift) and 75lbs for the remaining lift and 2 rounds - Woo Hoo! Finally getting the weights up!)...Oh yeah - I was also stupid and did Push Presses instead of Push Jerks....nothing like working harder than you half to!

5 Pull ups

3 KB Swings 32 kg/ 24 (I have been using the 16k KB but today did the workout with the 20kg KB. THAT was hard. Good thing there were only 3 per round!)

3 Rounds



Time: 31:13

Angus' Time: 25:24 (I had to let him beat me!)

Friday, May 7, 2010

The last 4 Cycle Met Con of the week on 30 seconds week we go back up and it will seem like forever.....We did this workout a month or 2 ago and it is MUCH tougher then it looks.....
100 M Sprint
20 Jump Squats
10 Pull ups
Repeat 2 times
REST 30 Seconds
4 Rounds

Time: 19:01

Glad that's done....

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Just keeps on getting harder....

Today's workout wasn't about throwing around heavy weights but it was still hard.


Medicine Ball Hanging Squat cleans
Box Jumps
Sit ups

8......300 Meter run with the medicine ball
4.....200 Meter medicine ball thrusters
1....100 Meter medicine ball lunges

Time: 20:23

That is4 tough workouts this week. I'm going to take a set of workout clothes tomorrow but I'm not sure ifIwill have the energy to do it. I should push myself as I know Iwon't be running until at least Saturday afternoon......LOTS of recovery time...haha.

It's been a great workout week.

Daniel - modified for the fundamentals class

Daniel is another one of the CrossFit Hero workouts....A nice combo of running pushing and pulling

This workout is mofied but it was still a tough one and I was able to hang onto and complete with teh RX weight!! The last few thrusters weren't pretty but they are done!!

"Daniel" MINI Daniel. haha.

50 Jumping Pull ups
400 m Run
21 Thrusters 95 lbs/ 65 lbs
400m Run
21 Thrusters 95 lbs/ 65 lbs
400 m Run
25 Jumping Pull ups

Time: 16:30 (I can't remember my exact time but it was probably close to this - if anything it would be a bit under - not over)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

They lied!!!!

30 Seconds was NOT enough time to catch your breath.....Man this one was a good METCON workout....

From Jason....
The REST just keeps getting shorter and shorter....30 seconds today on the 4 cycle met your best to recover as much as possible in that short time frame the give it your all onthe next round.....Next week you will all be so happy!!!!
This is a hanging squat clean meaning the bar starts at the hang position at the hips and you receive the bar in the FULL SQUAT then stand up to full extension.


200 m Sprint
5 Hanging Squat Cleans (I used 75lbs- Rx was 95...still so far away...)
15 KB Swings
REST 30 Seconds
4 Rounds

Time: 17:41

2010 - 10K Goal Acheived!

Sunday April 25th
Oakville Mercedes 10K Race

Crappy weather. Rain held off until about 8K and then it was just drizzling...the real rain came as I crossed the finish line.

I have wanted to break 1 hour for 10K for so long. Could never do it.

Marlene stayed with me until 8K which really helped - we started out too fast (surprise surprise) but we got to 5K at 28:30 (my PB for 5K is only 28:14 so that was a good pace) then we changed to 10 and 1s for the rest of the race and that was good.

I had a hard time in the last 1K but it showed that I gave probably too much up front but my time was 58:44! I was pleased.

So my last remaining goal for 2010 is to PB my 5K. I would ideally like to see anything in 27 minutes...even 27:59 would be good enough.

I know CrossFit is a huge reason in my improvement and I have learned that it is okay to push myself and I shouldn't stop and drool - my major fear since I had my stroke. Slowly getting over that issue which is a good thing.

One day at a time....

Gotta catch up and get back on track!!

Okay - so once again I have fallen off the wagon on my blogging. To my defence my MAC has died and my PC is temporarily unavailable thanks to my husband and the viruses he managed to find. Nice huh?

I maybe not have all the times but here are the WODS I have done in the last couple of weeks:

Monday May 3rd

15 Front Squats 115 lbs/ 75 lbs
15 Push Press 115/75
15 Back Squats 115/75
40 Sit ups

4 rounds

Time: 25:21

I also did it at 70lbs!!! ONly 5lbs away from the Rx weight. :) soooo close. Next time I will have to give it a go but it was going to be a lot of reps.

Thursday April 29th

We did something different but I can't remember -Maybe Pushups and sit ups land then hanging power cleans - maybe......

60 Double Unders
60 Sit ups
20 Snatch 95 lbs/ 65 lbs

40 Double Unders
40 Sit ups
15 Snatch 95 lbs/ 65 lbs

30 Double Unders
30 Sit ups
10 Snatch 95 lbs / 65 lbs

20 Double Unders
20 Sit ups
5 Snatch 95 lbs/ 65 lbs

Friday April 23rd, 2010


We haven't done this workout in a long time but I remember it being quite challenging.......get real comfortable with your plate as you and it are going to be quite close for the entirety of the workout. I can't remember where this workout came from but it is not really a "benchmark" or named workout.....if I remember correctly I think it was named after someones lets celebrate "Daisy"

400 m Run
25 Squats
25 Push Ups
25 Sit ups
25 Steps of walking lunge
3 rounds

*here is the catch....the entire workout must be done while holding a 45 lb/ 25 lb plate. Carry it however you want and have it on your back for the push ups.

Time: 23:15


7 Push Press 115 lbs/ 75 lbs
7 Pull ups
10 KB Swings 24 kg/ 16 kg

complete 3 rounds of this
REST 90 seconds

4 times

I don't remember my time but I remember it hurt!

I could get the rest of the workouts but I will stop here and get back on track tonight.

I PROMISE to be better with my blogging and record keeping....